So, for example: Imagine if you went to a top notch shop like Urban Outfitters and you bought a dress for 247891374983184932 squids, (I have a recent habit of calling pounds squids), and then you go to try it on but the dressing rooms are full so you decide to 'yolo'. Now, you believe you have got the correct dress size and you then purchase the dress, You love this dress to pieces by the way. You get home and you instantly try it on. The dress is too small and then you tear it trying to get it off which therefore means you are unable to return the dress. Da Dah. That is how I felt with the twinkies I understand that it is a terrible example but still.
Okay, life is beginning to get stressful again and it is seriously stressing me out. I kept saying to myself 'yay two weeks to relax'. Nope. As soon as something good happens, something bad comes running straight up. YAY! Thank you life! You are amazeballs. (sarcasm). But this blog is sort of a stress reliever, It is like that diary you had when you was 14 and you was going through puberty so you was an emotional wreck and you wrote in the diary to calm ya' down. This blog is like that sort of thing. I like it! Although I let you amazing people read it, I still love it! I want you human beings to laugh about my life because laughing is better than crying and laughing makes every individual happy! :-)
I also do not understand the smily face thingy. :-) The nose just looks odd and I think this smiley face: :) looks a lot cuter...
I went to doctors earlier and I was starting to feel hungry so afterwards I went to shop and purchased a giant crumpet. My hunger has now gone and I wasted 75p on a giant crumpet I no longer want to eat! GO LIFE!
Instead of me being a miserable sloth, I hope you are all okay and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day because life is valuable no matter how irritating and annoying it can get!
pHoTo Of ThE dAy:
lel, it's a photo I took ages ago, da dah!
I might start posting blog posts off my phone because I just realised I can upload photos of everyday stuff instead of uploading photos of old stuff.