Okay, so, reason number one:
I MET MY LEGIT FATHER! It sounds really crazy, (it was), but yes, I met my dad for the first ever time! It all started as I was getting ready to go to work and my mum just went to me: 'Sammy your dad has got in touch'. Now, I had a high amount of mixed feelings at work that night, it was really intense. It is a feeling I honestly cannot describe. Imagine if you have never seen your mother/father and they randomly come into your life? It is an odd feeling. But then my mum met up with him and they spoke, blah blah blah and then the following week I was set to meeting him! Now that was the scary part!
Me, my mother had arranged to go to a pub, (more like a restaurant), to meet my dad. We got their first and I had so many nerves going through me it was unreal. But, I met him! I was expecting some bald dude to be like 'sup I am yo dada' but that was not the case! This man came to the table looking smart yet casual and then my mum went: 'This is your dad'. I was so nervous I didn't know what to say and I don't think he knew what to say either.
After that I met up with him again and the bond we have is good but still weird. I love him but it's kinda sunk in but it hasn't but it's just nice to have that fatherly figure in my life! It has made me a lot happier and it has just been crazy! But yes, that s one of the main reasons to why I have not been writing!
Reason number two for my absence was college! I had so much college work to do it has been unreal but I have done the vast majority of it and I have now broke off two for Easter. I am now highly happy. I finally have time to relax and chill! I am still working at le takeaway which can be classified as another reason for my absence but ya' know, working is just a part of life!
Reason number three (or four):
THE BOYFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. I love him to pieces! it has been awkward for me and him for the past couple of weeks due to the father situation but I think it has brought us closer. Well, thats what I think personally! I love him so so so so much. He can be a nugget sometimes but I personally think everyone in this universe has these nugget moments. For example, myself. I have many nugget moments. Many.
Anyway the boyf' got a new haircut and it suites him so much. I still cannot get over it. His hair was going a wee bit cray cray but now its amazballs. Basically, its long at the top and cut short around the back and sides and it makes him look even more sophisticated and djsiaojfiorjiogwjeiofkeopkflwfkoaksdopa.
I do love him.
I hope everyone has been having a good time and I hope everyone has been a happy bunny!
I also bought another two jars in the time I was absent. I am sorry. I do have an addiction.
pHoTo Of ThE dAy:
I have just had a grand idea of your photos being placed here?
If you have a photo which you think is amazeballs then email it and I upload it onto le blog!
If you also have a blog I will advertise it too because I am cool like that!
So, this is the part were I apologize for any spelling errors or stupid word placements.
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