Friday, 8 April 2016

4 days later...

Howdy! I hate rice. 

I was at le boyf's and I suddenly had a wonderful idea about having some rice and peas. So, I purchased some odd looking packet of rice and a tin of peas. NEVER AGAIN! My taste buds responded in a way I wasn't expecting. URGH! It took 15 whole minutes to cook the rice and it was all for nothing. My stomach feels so sick and BLURRRRR! I ate half the tin of peas though which means there is always something good out of something bad. #Fact! 

My do I feel so sick and urgh. :( 

One of the neighbours cats have cheered me up though. As I was writing this blog post I just looked out of the back window to a black cat. It is such a lovely cat! I just went outside to stroke the cutie! I love cats but unfortunately I have an allergy to them but ah well! I would rather sneeze to death than avoid cats! 

I honestly have no idea what to write about. I believe to have writers block but I wouldn't call myself much of a writer. Therefore, I shall create a new block called 'Sammy's block'. Whenever I cannot think of anything to write I shall just say that I have 'Sammy's block'. YAY! 

I can see leftover garlic bread in the oven and as soft as they look I still cannot bear to look at them. The idea of eating anything just makes me feel more sick than I already do.

Currently, it is 16:06 which means it is 6 minutes past 4 in the afternoon and I am soon to begin work at 5pm. I am debating when to get ready and what I should wear. Now, this is a hard decision for someone like myself because I am full of indecisiveness. YAY! 

Anyway I must go as I have a lot of debating to do but I do hope you all have a wonderful day! FAREWELL AMIGO'S! Tomorrow I shall post today's 'pHoTo Of ThE dAy' because I have nothing to post because I have been a floppy squirrel! 


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