Sunday, 31 January 2016


So, Friday. I worked until 11pm. I went home. I went to sleep. I woke up. My bikes were gone from my garden. I thought my mum had moved them. But nope. They were stolen. THANK YOU TO THOSE WONDERFUL MATEY'S WHO STOLE THEM. THANK YOU. YOU HAVE MADE MY LIFE GREAT. THANKS.

I struggle with my weight okay and cycling calmed me down but now I don't have a bike to calm myself.

I am trying to be happy but it has really upset me. I am going to get a new bike if I don't hear anything about these bikes but it is the concept of what happened. Why steal? Why do such a thing? How could anyone live with themselves? Just the thought of going into someone else's property and stealing something sentimental makes me upset.


They may have only been bikes but to me they were my anti-depressants. Yes, it sounds really stupid and sad and pathetic but urgh.

The worst part is that one of the bikes was my boyf's and now i feel even worse because it was my responsibility to take care of it but nope.

Okay. rant over.

Anyway, there is some good news. I am getting a new phone! I love my phone which I have now but the one thing which is annoying is the camera's on it. The back camera is okay but it has a front camera which can't even detect a face let a loan colours. I cannot wait because I can now take pictures on the go and it has tons of storage which also means I can download apps including blogger. Installing blogger means I can write on the go! EEEeeeeekkkkkk.

Anyway, after my rant and what not. I am going to go and rest because I am still upset. I can't bike to college now:(

I hope everyone has a good day and I hope everyone is positive and happy because everyone deserves to be happy.

PhOtO oF tHe DaY:
I found this picture a while ago.
I love little illustrations like this.
It's cute.

Ps, I apologise for any spelling mistakes, blah blah blahhhhhh.

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