I stole the picture of my own snapchat...not exactly theft I know but yes, I have short hair! I am going to attempt to get another picture, (hopefully better), but I guess this will do for now! BUT YES I HAVE SHORT HAIRRRRRR.
Also, you know when I was on about illustration before? Basically, I have been developing my own little illustrations and they look so so so so cute! I can't take any photos of my main coolio' illustrations as my sketchbook is at home, but, I do have some pictures of my previous characters I created. Exhibit A:

This is Mr Potato. Mr Potato is seen wearing a wonderful top hat whilst hooding a cup of tea. Mr potato has to be my favorite character so far. (ps, the little circle things are supposed to be peas...as in the vegetable). My imagination is highly crazy, I am not going to deny that.
Anyway, I am going to apologize now for the week late post, I have been a busy bee. Constantly working at college and at work and quite frankly it has been exhausting.
It is so so so so so nice to have short hair. Still can' get over it.
I'M FINALLY MAKING A SCRAP BOOK! FINALLY. Yesterday I was on a school trip with the art department and we had some free time. So, I went and bought myself a small A5 sketchbook which I am going to jazz up with Sammy's own decoration and cute images of me, boyf, brother, sister and family. (Hopefully I can get some time to do so).
I am casually sat at college wearing a snazzy shirt and a Harry Potter jumper. I look sadly cool.
Anyway, I must leave as this keyboard is getting on my nerves. So...
PhOtO oF tHe DaY:
I need to begin taking some more photographs.
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