Wednesday, 18 November 2015

I am doing good?

So so so so, I had my college parents evening tonight and to my surprise, I got really good comments! I am doing well in every subject and I am expected to get high grades which I am extremely shocked about! However, all in all, it was great and le' mother is extremely pleased and happy with me which makes me one happy amigo!

My clock is actually on time.

Anyway, today is ye olde Wednesday and Denby is extremely tired. I have an addiction to chewing gum. At the moment, I am using it as my preventation, (new word), from eating many sugars. Recently all of my food consumption has revolved around sugarrrr so I am trying not to consume as much sugar as possible. SUGAR IZ BAD.

I have no idea what I am on about.

PhOtO oF tHe DaY:
Why not add a bit of humour to the blog?

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