The internet is one great place. Sometimes. However, it is also a place in which communities form and provide all sorts of random, unnecessary stuff to feed the apatite's of their hungry consumers. You may be a bit confused to what I am on about. Well, that is why I am going to show you.
The internet is full of social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and many more. Each social media site has their own target audience along with its own purpose. Facebook, personally, is for family, friends and is often full of individuals causing arguments, moaning about people or individuals creating 'funny' videos, images, etc. Twitter is similar to Facebook, however, you are limited to what is said and I believe twitter is more celebrity based, like Instagram. Majority of people will check Twitter to see what feud is going on now between two celebrities, or a group if you're lucky.
Now, I move onto Tumblr and Instagram. There may be a dark side to social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook but I have not witnessed them so Tumblr and Instagram are the only social media sites I have witnessed to have a dark, depressing side. Instagram is based upon photographs, 'selfies' and random pictures. Some users will use Instagram for it's intensive purpose, however, others use it in a diffferent kind of way. When my lovely Grandad past away, I was rather upset, overwhelmed and that is when I believe to when my depression started. I was one day browsing Instagram as you do, but then I came across an odd looking account on the 'Explore' section. This account was dark and full of horrible images saying stuff along the lines of 'can't do this anymore' or 'I give up'. These images are quite frankly indescribable from my point of view, but majority of my readers should be able to get what I mean.
Tumblr is exactly like Instagram. It is also full of these depressing images and since it is Tumblr, it is also full of 'GIFs'. As much as I love Tumblr, the dark side to it seriously upsets me and causes a lot of triggering issues.

These images are just two of the ones which I picked up on Tumblr. They may not seem much but trust me, there was far worse which I refused to save. Now, these images upset me. Why? Because to a lot of people it is true and relate able. However, they can also trigger a lot of serious situations such as self harm. People like yourself may see images of self harm and others undergoing it, this doesn't mean it is okay for you to do! Yes, there may be other people like yourself, feeling the same way you do! But it doesn't mean you can copy them. They need help the same way you may need help! If you selfharm and have depression etc. Please, talk to someone who you know will help. Parents are the best but also the hardest to talk to because you never know what to expect if you tell them. If you have a seriously close friend, talk to them. Listen to what they would recommend for you. Just please, don't listen to the 'dark side' of the internet. It isn't good for you.
I apologize for such an upsetting kind of blog post today. I needed to make an attempt to get my point across and I hope I did in some way or form. Seeing upsetting posts on the internet makes me want to breakdown and cry. This is because all these posts are the reason to why I did a series of stupid things and I know it is the same for many others and just knowing it is triggering horrible stuff for other, vulnerable people, it kills me.
I also sincerely apologize for grammar errors, spelling errors and so on but I don't care as long as my point is put across to you, as my fellow reader. I hope you have a good day and here is a picture to keep you going:
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