Friday, 31 July 2015

thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you

I turned le laptop on to write a new post and to my surprise, I hit a milestone!:D

Milestone - a significant stage or event in the development of something. (Just for those who may not know what a milestone is).

 Basically, I never thought I would ever reach many pageviews. But I just found out that I have reached 1,000. To many people 1,000 pageviews may be nothing but to me, it means a lot! For people to take interest in what I write makes me really happy as the majority of stuff I write is pretty bad. So yes, I am a happy Sammy right now with an invisible cheesy grin on her face.

 Asides from reaching a milestone, I am currently in the process of creating a short, stop motion animation. To my surprise it is turning out okay, not brilliant, but okay. I am hoping to finish it my Sunday, (as its only a short one). I hope y'all like it. (I am not western). 

I just discovered that you can change the font on here. Wow. I am blind but not that blind. *round of applause* (Clarification: I am half blind, I can't see properly out my right eye causing my overall vision to be bad, praise the Lord for spectacles). 

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