Tuesday, 27 October 2015

I am one tired human

I am extremely tired. Extremely. Purely because le boyf' had to go to accident and emergency late last night so I tagged along with him and ended up being there for four hours. I was moody at one point but then I had a random sugar rush then I was hyper then I was tired then I drank Mountain Dew, which I do not recommend, 66g of sugar is not good for you at 4 in the morning. However, le boyf' is fine and he is all good! WAHOO.

I am still tired. In the 2 minutes it took to write the first paragraph, my brain somehow thought I wouldn't be tired afterwards but once again, my brain was mistaken.

I need to write a legit bucket list. I need a diary again! THAT IS WHAT I NEED! A diary which I can treasure when I am 21 and complete dreams which I have right now. WaTER.

I am feeling really random right now even though I am half asleep. I always manage to lose pens and highly random stuff in the depths of my bed. I will have a pen in my hand and then when I need the pen, I will have somehow lost it within my bed. I have an evil bed.

I keep getting really itchy and I have to admit, it is fairly annoying. I also just realized that there is a high amount of 'I's within this post. Lel.

I had loads to write about but my mind has just gone blank! YEY, thank you tired mind.

Bucket list now includes travelling to the dead sea. YOU CAN FLOAT IN IT, HOW DID I NOT KNOW. I really really really want to go and travel the world. When I was younger I didn't want too travel the world nor go abroad. Now, the one thing I want to do is travel the world with him and bring back gifts for the brother.

I must scadoodle before I lose my marbles, I have a Christmas list to write and saving money to consider. Sooooooo...

PhOtO oF tHe DaY:
This is the same picture I uploaded to this blog a while ago.
I refreshed my laptop the other day.
And lost 98% of my files, including my pictures.
I forgot about that!


  1. Hey,
    I think everyone know that (especially students) to be tired all day Long cola, coffe and sugar helps you but only for Feeling seconds.
    Love, Lea

  2. I know, thank you for the small bit of advice, I've learnt my lesson with sugar and caffein:')
