Tuesday, 6 October 2015


I have been looking down my blog and I have realized my titles are pretty much ludicrous. They don't even really go with the topic of what I am writing about. So, my new 'October Goal' is to learn how to create titles. My other goals is also to learn how to talk properly. By this I mean I want to talk slower and in a way which enables other people to understand me. (I speak way too fast).

I am also pretty proud of myself this school year. My attendance is really good and I am getting work done along with handing it in on time! Wahoo! I am on a role! After last year I learnt not to mess up and that is exactly what I am doing this year! (I always end up learning from my mistakes).

Oh, yeah, I need to stop out-beating people. I was with le boyf' yesterday and we happened to be discussing subjects that we do at college and I soon realized I was trying to out-beat him by saying I do more subjects than he does. I know I have a bad habit of doing this but I have recently been noticing it more and more. (I also realized it takes me a while to type the word 'recently').

I FORGET TO TELL YOU ALL! I want to write a book. I don't think I have told anyone but I was thinking, J.K.Rowling and all these famous authors started at the bottom, like me, and my imagination is absolutely crackers so I thought, wHy NoT wRiTe A bOoK! I look writing despise the fact I am no good at it and also despise the fact I never proof read anything I write, (also another 'October Goal'), it would be fun to do and you never know, I might be the new Suzanne Collins. JUST TO CLARIFY I AIN'T REPLACING NO WORD WIZARD, (I also refer to authors as word wizards...don't ask).

Before I ramble on about writing a book, I may leave you here as I do have a college to attend and clothes to put on. However, I hope you have a marvelous day and I shall speak to you soon amigo's!

PhOtO oF tHe DaY:
I wasn't actually meant to upload this photo as I clicked on it by accident...oops. 
However, here you go. 
This was me at my end of school prom in 2014. 
I can't believe it was over a year ago, feels like just yesterday.
Da' Dah

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