Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Denby Gives Advice...again

Here we are once again. I provide advice for y'all which is either helpful or just a random fact which you will remember for the rest of your life.

#1 - When you get hooked on a new song which has recently been released. Do not purchase the song. You are simply wasting money especially if the song is in the charts as it will be added to 'Now That's What I call Music' whatever number it is on now and you'll invest in that album realizing that the song you fell in love with is in the album and you completely wasted your money.

#2 - Do not ride a bike which has no brakes. Just don't.

#3 - Do not wear hats in summer or in high heat. Why? Well, the answer is obvious but for those who may not understand; your head will sweat....your hair will get covered in sweat....your hat will get covered in sweat...just don't do it unless you don't sweat to which you are extremely lucky and I envy you.

#4 - Take care of yourself! Always try to look presentable. I don't as I dress for comfort more than I do for style or fashion or to make my self look presentable or whatever. I just simply prefer to dress comfortably. I am that girl who goes to shop with a seriously messy bun and an over sized hoodie and awful, old, shoes. Not good.

#5 - If you are like myself and have Eczema or any other, similar, skin condition. Always take care of it and keep on top of it. Yes putting cream on and what not can be a hassle but it's worth it, trust me.


#7 - Listen to 'Stressed Out' by twenty one pilots.

#8 - Be yourself. Don't waste your life trying to pretend to be someone else when that clearly is not you. I'd rather meet you and you be the crazy self as you are rather then meet you and you're acting like Kim Kardashian.

I would provide you with another piece of advice from myself, however, that would cause it to end on an odd number, (9). I would rather not end on an odd number as I'd rather like to end on a happier not then a serious one.

Thank you for reading my fellow amigo's!!


*Denby Salute*

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