Thursday, 27 August 2015

S, (so), O






Best, (sarcasm)



Basically, last night I was attacked by an illness. I was randomly struck with extreme exhaustion, extreme blurry visions along with an extreme headache and it still ongoing as I write this wonderful blog post to which I have no idea what it will turn out like to you, being my honorable readers.

Anyway, asides from being ill and sleeping, I have been locating books to which I can dive on in and read. (WoW). The locating of books was terrible and I have not located a book.

Asides from book locating I have also been browsing the interweb, (aka the internet). I can't believe I am saying this but the internet has been highly boring.

Asides from browsing the internet, I have done nothing.

Wow. Well isn't that interesting?

I hate being ill.

However, the view from my window is rather spectacular. Instead of taking a photograph of the view I am currently seeing and uploading it to here for you to see like a normal person would, (breathes). I am going to describe my view. Basically, out of my 2 windowed window, the sky is a lovely shade of light blue. Among the sky I can see white puffy clouds in little groups floating around as they do. Old buildings are also in sight underneath the sky along with a beautiful roman catholic church. It is a rather beautiful sight.

Anywho, I must return to my bed as my head has just been hit by a boulder, aka a blood vessel, and now I must rest my woozy eyes.

Adios Amigos,
 I hope you have/had a good day!

*Denby Salute*

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