Thursday, 6 August 2015



I can finally learn to drive. I finally got my cartilage piercing. I finally turned 17. FINALLLLLLLYYYYYY.

Today has been a good day so far, I don't often like birthdays, but, I like this one. The best part is, it isn't over yet. Eeeeeeeek. I don't know what to say, I am literally speechless due to my high amount of happiness. My mother got me a lovely necklace and I actually bought a dress. (I think I got forced into it). Currently, I am dressed all girly and awaiting the next part of my day; seeing le boyf. I can't wait! What makes everything better is the fact I have The Killers playing whilst I await the next adventure of the day. I am just too happy. Way too happy.

I actually love writing on this blog, it cheers me up a lot and allows me to express a ton of rubbish which then makes me even more happier. That doesn't make sense, but I am too flipping happy.

Anyway, I must scadoodle, (new word edition to the 'Denby Dictionary).


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