Tuesday, 18 August 2015

The Sequel

What's not better than to have my 60th post all about 'Him'. In other words, a sequel to one of my earlier posts.

Love is strong component in a relationship but I believe companionship and happiness is two components which conclude the definition of what a relationship actually is and are also the components to a happy relationship.

He came into my life 151 days ago today. 151 days ago, I didn't know we would develop a bond stronger than any other bond between two people.

Asides from being my boyfriend, he is my best friend.

To be able to tell each other anything and everything makes me so happy.

 The fact he never fails to cheer me up simply makes me happy.

 The way he smiles makes me smile.

His hair, probably more wilder than mine which makes it perfect...which also participates in many reasons to why he is simply perfect.

We have had so many memories together in the space of 151 days and just knowing that there are going to be so many more makes me the luckiest girl alive and also the happiest.

A simple hug between each other is the best and are also the ones I love.

I love him okay? That's why this sloppy post has been uploaded to the internet so I can express my love for him to YOU and even to him, himself. Now that was confusing to write,


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