Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Busy Busy Busy

The title pretty much sums up my life now. Busy. However, I am still trying my very best to write on here because you know, I love writing on here.

I am really enjoying college and doing work and getting everything done on time and I seriously love LEARNING. As stupid as it may sound, I seriously love actually learning new things and refreshing my brain. I am in love with college, (I never though I would be saying that). One thing I did learn today is that punctuation does not go within brackets. Why? Because brackets itself is a form of punctuation and by using punctuation within...well, you get the idea, (I hope).

Today I finally had science. The one subject I have been wanting to do for over a year now. I love science but never had the opportunity to do the subject, but, now I do and I have never been happier. What makes me even more happy is the fact I get to see the soul mate every single day. He is right by my side whenever I need him and whenever he needs me. I love him to pieces. Usually I get sick of people and don't have a lot of patcience with people but I seriously love him so much. I never want to lose him. He is perfect. (Many apologize's for being all cute and sloppy 24/7).

I really want to sleep. But I cannot. Because. I need to. Do. Work. But I am. Way too tired to do. So. But I am going to do. It. Anyway. Because it's science. Work. And. I. seriously like. Science. So.

As much as I would love to ramble on and on, I am going to my work. SO I shall maybe write later on or tomorrow in le morning!


Taken at local festival in my hometown.

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