I need to save money.
I need to get school work done.
And I need to sleep.
But, sleep can wait until later on as it is only 7am here and I have to go do the first two tasks I just listed. Although, I really wouldn't mind sleeping right now. I fancy some rice...
Anywho, time to talk about the boyf' once again. Last night we had another one of our extremely adorable moments and I still can't get over it. All we did was climb a tree, go on a mini adventure and stand talking for a good 17 minutes. But, all those things were extremely adorable and I wish I could go back and re-live those moments right now! Oh, we also discovered that me and him are telepathic or whatever you may call it. Why? Because we gave each other a lovely kiss and then, simultaneously, we both said 'Your lips are really soft'. Now. This was simply the best moment of my entire life purely because it gave me such a warm feeling in my heart, (along with a good 2 minutes of having a semi-permanent shocked expression on my face). Awww, I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really love him a lot.
Also also also also also also also also also also, I am seeing the one and only: FALL OUT BOY in just 3 days, (or 2). I am making my way to Leeds to see them and I simply can't wait, it is going to be spectacular. However, if you have no clue who Fall Out Boy may be...please search them up on the interweb because they are simply AmAzInG.
I must leave now and scadoodle and get ready for my upcoming, busy day at le college. I have a lot of work to do!
So: PhOtO oF tHe DaY:
I think I may have already uploaded this in previous times.
But hey-ho, you may have it again.
This is le boyf' whilst he saved Mr Pigeon.
He saves animals!
Also, he saves me!
I love him.
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